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Die Seminare von Orehab Minds: Viel Wissen kompakt vermittelt

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In unseren aufeinander abgestimmten Seminarangeboten erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ergebnisse und Fakten des Kaufunktionstests und der Digital Reports BRUX, CHEW, CEPH und CONDY in der Oralen Rehabilitation berücksichtigen und in Behandlungsprozessen einfließen lassen können. Die Erfüllung der personalisierten Medizin und die geforderte Patientenorientierung fordert ein geändertes, modernes Vorgehen. Denn Problemlösungsfähigkeit auf Basis individueller Befunde gewinnt überall an Bedeutung, wo individuelle Probleme behandelt werden.

Wir teilen unser Wissen mit Ihnen und Sie gewinnen praxisnahe Erkenntnisse
Die Seminare von Orehab Minds bieten Ihnen eine Vielfalt von fachlichen und wissenschaftlichen Angeboten, die Ihnen helfen die Digital Reports BRUX, CHEW, CEPH und CONDY noch effektiver in der Praxis einzusetzen. Getreu unserem Motto liegt auch hier der Fokus auf Zeitersparnis, Flexibilität und geringe Kosten bei gleichzeitig hohem Transfer von Wissen.

Nachfolgend finden Sie einen Überblick über alle anstehenden Seminare, Webinare und Curricula, sowie im zweiten Abschnitt eine sortierte Terminübersicht.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
DATUM: 15.06.2024 09:00
DAUER: 3 Modules á 4 days
ORT: Bari
PREIS: 12.000 ,- €
SPRACHE: English


The element of orthodontists is clearly intended for those who want to take their orthodontic treatments to the next level. All techniques are covered in this element and can be immediately incorporated into the daily routine of the PRaxis. Techniques such as Sato and Multiloop are also covered.


O1: 15 - 18 June 2024

Fundamentals of Orthodontics


Craniofacial Growth


O2: 28 Sep - 01 Oct 2024

Characteristics of Angle Class I, II and III Occlusion

Typical orthodontic mechanis

Denture Frame and Multiloop Edgewise ArchWire Technique (MEAW)


O3: 12 - 15 Dec 2024

Interceptive orthodontics

Supraocclusals and interceptive orthodontic therapy

Orthodontic Appliances

Development of occlusal function

Advanced Oral Splints
DATUM: 16.06.2024 09:00
DAUER: 3 day
ORT: Istanbul
PREIS: 1.950 €
SPRACHE: English
Prof. Dr. Gregor Slavicek & Orehab Academy Teachers

Take advantage of the learning from real cases and go deep into them to see wich kind of brilliant details you can read from a Splint Therapie. 

You will learn all kind of details about Oral Splints. Real cases from the Orehab Academy Teachers will presented to you in 3 days, 12 cases detailed explanations and decision making about the Oral Splints after the right Diagnostic procedure. 


Prof. Dr. Gregor Slavicek will explain all details why and when we can use this kind of splints. 


Day 1:




Splint Indications

Principle characteristics of Oral Splints

The conflict of clinical success with scientific literature (low evidence)


10:45-11:15 Coffee Break



Case Presentations 1: Myorelaxation Splints

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


13:00-14:00 Lunch Break



Case Presentations 2: Stabilization Splints

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


15:45-16:15 Coffee Break



Case Presentations 3: Chronic Pain – Headache, Neck, Shoulders, Cervical Spine

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


Day 2:


Case Presentations 4: Positioning Splints

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


10:45-11:15 Coffee Break



Case Presentations 5: Pure Verticalization and Bruxing

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


13:00-14:00 Lunch Break



Case Presentations 6: Internal Derangement and anterior Disc Dislocation with Reduction (aDDwR) – the reciprocal clicks

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


15:45-16:15 Coffee Break



Case Presentations 7: Internal Derangement and anterior Disc Dislocation without Reduction (aDDwoR) – the blocked joint

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


Day 3:


Case Presentations 8: Distraction and Compression – Special splint strategies, including TMJ trauma, TMJ inflammation and rheumatic diseases of the TMJ

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


10:45-11:15 Coffee Break



Case Presentations 9: Splints in children and adolescent – condylar growth, skeletal development of the skull, craniomandibular dysfunction deciduous, early and late mixed dentition

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


13:00-14:00 Lunch Break



Case Presentations 10: Mandibular advancement Splints – the link to sleep medicine and sleep apnea

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion


15:45-16:15 Coffee Break



Case Presentations 11: Walking back strategies, Interim Analysis and what comes after the splint therapy

Decision making and typical splint design

Clinical Application

Case discussion

3 Course in 1 / Advanced Condylographic analysis / 100 Years Gnathology congress / Alumni Meeting
DATUM: 24.06.2024
DAUER: 8 days
ORT: Istanbul
PREIS: 2.495,-€ Special price
SPRACHE: English

This is a Special offer, 3 courses in 1!


1. Advanced condylographic analysis

24. - 27. June 24


2. 100 Years anniversary of Gnathology

28. - 29. June 24


3.Alumni Meeting

30. June - 02. July 24


instant of 4990 € you will pay 2.495,- € you are saving  50% in total!

Advanced Condylographic Analysis
DATUM: 24.06.2024 09:00
DAUER: 4 day´s
ORT: Istanbul
PREIS: 2.490,-€
SPRACHE: English

This new 4-day training for users of CADIAX Systems teaches how to use the multiple features offered by the software. It aims to build a fundamental understanding of the general principles of hinge axis recording.


The participants learn to gain and use insights from the different graphical presentations. In this training seminar, the participants learn how to combine their existing knowledge with the new-experienced tools and methods to use them more efficiently. In addition, they will know how to make the best diagnostics decisions on the dynamics of the TMJ and the stomatognathic system. Plus, how to make the multiple information comprehensible for the entire team and patients.


The workshops aim to lead participants in using all the provided data and graphs at the expert level.


By attending this seminar, you will gain unique understandings and enhance your knowledge about advanced digital condylography. Use the possibility of state-of-the-art data analyses that is not accessible to everyone. Identify areas they need to focus on in TMJ dysfunctions and pathologies. Integrate the available technology in your daily work.


The Coordinate System – CADIAX and the Articulator

The Recording Protocol – Initial Diagnostics, Follow Ups, Programming the Articulator

Free versus Guided Movements

Manipulated Movements

Recording of Functional Movements: Speech, Bruxing, Chewing

Recording Positions – eCPM vs. CPM

Reference Position and Re-Fix

Recording with the Splint

Interpretation of Axis Movements

Interpretation of Time Curves

Interpretation of Translation-Rotation Curves

Interpretation of Tooth Kinetics

100 Years anniversary of Gnathology
DATUM: 28.06.2024 09:00
DAUER: 2 days
ORT: Istanbul
PREIS: 1.000 ,- €
SPRACHE: English

Step into the world of dentistry's greatest milestone! Join us as we celebrate the momentous 100 Years Anniversary of Gnathologie. 


From groundbreaking advancements in the study of jaw movement to revolutionizing dental treatments, this remarkable event promises to take you on an unforgettable journey through a century of remarkable breakthroughs. Prepare to be captivated by the fascinating history, awe-inspiring innovations, and the monumental impact of Gnathologie on modern dentistry. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to honor the past, embrace the present, and envision the future of gnathological excellence. Get ready to witness dentistry like never before!


This is the following Lectures for this two events:


Program 28. June 2024

09:30 - 11:30 Prof. Dr. Gregor Slavicek & DT Florian Slavicek B.Sc.

12:00 - 13:30 Dr. Sergey Grishin M.Sc.

14:00 - 16:30 Dr. Giulia Tanteri M.Sc. & Dr. Anastasia Slavicek M.Sc.

17:00 - 19:00 Dr. Alexey Lyan M.Sc. & Dr. Grigory Popov


Program 28. June 2024

09:30 - 10:30 Dr. Sergey Grishin M.Sc.

11:00 - 13:00 Dr. Alexey Lyan M.Sc. & DT Massimilano Veronese M.Sc.

13:30 - 15:30  Dr. Andrey Zhuk

16:00 - 18:00 Dr. Ksenia Nafigina & Dr. Anastasia Slavicek M.Sc.

18:00 - 18:30 Prof. Dr. Gregor Slavicek & DT Florian Slavicek B.Sc.



Location: Sheraton Istanbul City Center Turkey

Istanbul’s main airport, located in the European side 

(same with the hotel ) and only in 30 minutes away to hotel.


Take a journey to the wonderful world of Istanbul, meet europa and Asia in one city, take part of the Gnathology in a beautiful city and tasted the orient foods!




When: 28. - 29. June 2024


Limited seats up to 100 participants at the venue!

Possibility to join this event Online for each day!




Normal Price: 1.000,- €

Orehab Minds costumer or Academy participants: 500,- €

Online Price two days: 600,- €

Online Price one day: 300,- €


Text us a E-mail back if you want to participate  or register on the homepage!

Alumni Meeting 2024
DATUM: 30.06.2024
DAUER: 2 Days
ORT: Istanbul
PREIS: 1.500,- €
SPRACHE: English

We (Orehab Minds) are organizing an Alumni Meeting 2024 to share new developments, thoughts and case presentation with you. This 2-Days event will take place in Istanbul on 30th June and 1th July 2024 – we are sure that Istanbul is easy to reach from your departure airport.

The main topic for this Alumni Meeting of Orehab Minds Academy:

Digital Technology in Oral Rehabilitation of complex Cases - an Assessment of the Current Situation

The aims of this meeting are to support decision-making in daily practice for or against an investment in digital technologies

how far digital technology has come in supporting the clinical application of gnathological procedures in a meaningful way.

does the use of digital technologies improves the output? and if so, in what respect and to what extent?

are digital technologies able to support, improve or enhance the basic gnathological approaches?


Beside Case Discussions and Case Presentations, we will highlight the following questions:

Workflows in oral rehabilitation: analog versus digital versus combined

Digital supported diagnostic procedures:

Analog versus digital impressions, is the accuracy of these methods the same?

Analog versus digital mounting procedures: the face bow, the bite registration, is there a need for a Reference Plane?

Analog versus digital articulators – how to handle correctly?

Instrumental functional analysis – Old School versus New Techniques: is the outcome the same?

Mandibular movement recording – hinge axis recording, pantographic tracings, opto-electronic versions: are they producing the same data?

Wax Up & Occlusion Mastery Path
DATUM: 17.09.2024 09:00
DAUER: 3 Module á 4 days
ORT: Istanbul
PREIS: 12.000,- €
SPRACHE: English

Wax Up & Occlusion

The element of wax up & occlusion is to ensure that you master the waxing concept in all classes. You will learn the latest techniques on how to wax up an oral rehabilitation with all the aesthetic benefits.


W1: 17 - 20 Sep 2024

Principles of Occlusion

Chewing surfaces morphology

The correct handling of the articulator

Articulator Programming

Principles of functional Wax up


W2: 07 - 10 Sep 2024

The Planning

Active and Passive Arches

Dynamics in Class 1 Occlusion - the Occlusal Compasses

Laterotrusive Guidance - Sequential Occlusion with Canine Dominance

Protrusive Guidance - Anterior Guidance

Retrusive Guidance Retrusive Control

Finishing the Wax up


W3: 16 - 19 Dec 2024

The Planning of a Class 2 and Class 3 Wax up

Active and Passive Arches - Changes in Class 2/3 Wax up

Dynamics in Class 2 Occlusion - the Occlusal Compasses

Dynamics in Class 3 Occlusion - the Occlusal Compasses

Laterotrusive Guidance - Sequential Occlusion with Canine Dominance in Class II and Class III

Protrusive Guidance - Anterior Guidance in Class II and Class III Malocclusion

Retrusive Guidance - Retrusive Control Class II and Class III Malocclusion

Finishing the Wax up

The Posterior Cross-Bite Malocclusion - the Wax up Procedures

Diagnostic Mastery Path
DATUM: 21.09.2024 09:00
DAUER: 3 Modules á 4 days
ORT: Istanbul
PREIS: 12.000,- €
SPRACHE: English

The 5 elements of the Mastery Path


The element of Diagnostic is cultivated with the focus of various diagnostic instruments, learning to analyse a patient from anamnestic data and by means of electronic instruments, such as Cephaloemtry, Condylography, Chewing & Bruxing Test, and to create a reasonable problem list.


D1: 21 - 24 Sep 2024

Functional Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Stomatognathic System

Clinical functional analysis

Instrumental functional analysis

From Diagnostics to Diagnoses to Treatment Strategy


D2: 03 - 06 Nov 2024

The Lateral Cephalogram

Craniofacial Growth and Development

Analysing Occlusion in the lateral Cephalogram

Frontal Ceph and the Asymmetry



D3: 12 - 15 Dec 2024

Temporomandibular joint and Condylography

Basic Condylographic Systematic Description

Advanced Condylographic Analytics

Conclusion based on Condylographic Findings

Therapeutic Consequences

International Curriculum in interdisciplinary dentistry Slavicek concept 4.0
DATUM: 21.10.2024 09:00
DAUER: 8 Module´s á, 4 days + Online courses
ORT: Istanbul
PREIS: 28.800,00€
SPRACHE: English
Dentists and dental technicians with a special interest in oral rehabilitation and occlusal functions. With Prof. Dr. Gregor Slavicek and experts.

8 modules á 4 days in 3 sections over the course of 18 months.

Section A: Treatment planning is discussed already in the first module. To do this, it is necessary to fully grasp the patient‘s problems. The focus is not at all solely on dysfunctional patients. Each patient is systematically examined and the need for treatment can be derived from a problem list. The aim of every systematic assessment is to determine the treatment strategy. Only then the right tools, that appear most suitable for implementing the treatment strategy, can be selected. Section A consists of 3 modules and leads the participant through the necessary systematic diagnostics steps and consequently to the initial therapy with intraoral splints:


Module 1 (19-22.09.2024): clinical functional analysis, models, articulator set up, preliminary occlusal analysis including the analysis of the occlusal functions, problem list and evaluation of the diagnostic findings including treatment planning.

Module 2 (27-30.01.2024): Cephalometric analysis and condylography, extended occlusal analysis, supplementing the problem list and evaluating the diagnostic findings including treatment planning.

Module 3 (16-19.03.2024): Detailed occlusal analysis, finalization of the problem list and final evaluation of the diagnostic findings including treatment planning; Planning of the initial therapy including splint therapy with individual splint design and targeted clinical application.


Section B: comprises 2 modules with the focus on final treatment planning and definition of the determinants of occlusion including occlusal design:


Module 4 (11-14.06.2024): Interim analysis after initial therapy, determining the therapeutic position, transferring the therapeutic position to the articulator, defining the functional determining factor for oral rehabilitation and occlusal reconstruction

Module 5 (24-27.09.2024): Final treatment planning including all functional parameters: vertical dimension, occlusal plane, Spee‘s curve, the individual occlusion concept (sequential with canine dominance according to R. Slavicek), diagnostic wax up (digital and analog), diagnostic set up, importance of Wilson‘s curve (s), sagittal condylar inclination and anterior and canine guidance, aesthetic planning.


Section C: comprises 3 modules and is entirely focused on definitive oral rehabilitation


Module 6 (7-10.10.2024): Interdisciplinary orthodontics, denture frame concept according to S. Sato, pre-prosthetic orthodontics, endodontics and implantology from the perspective of oral rehabilitation and occlusal functions

Module 7 (16-19.01.2025): Oral rehabilitation with removable prosthetics and full dentures

Module 8 (27.02 - 02.03.2025): Fixed prosthetics, minimally invasive technology, intraoral scan, analog and / or digital workflow

TMJ in our Focus
DATUM: 31.10.2024
DAUER: 3 Day´s
ORT: Riga
PREIS: 1.950 €
SPRACHE: English
Functional Anatomy, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics and Therapy of the Temporo-Mandibular Joint

The TMJ is increasingly in the focus of dentistry. In addition, many internet sites report more and more details about this particular topic – drawing the patient´s attention on noises, clicks and realistic or unrealistic possible solutions.

The patients often expect a treatment effect in the sense of a „restitutio ad integrum“ – a restitution of the state before the TMJ alteration. This is often unrealistic, and requires a careful and precise medical information, but also systematic and controlled procedures.

In these 4 days of the seminar, the participants will learn all physiological and pathological aspects of the TMJ, furthermore the essential diagnostic procedures including the Condylogram and MRI,     also the treatment indications, the therapeutical principles and strategies and finally the scientific background in form of a literature overview.


DAY 1 

Functional Anatomy and Pathophysiology of the TMJ, Occlusion as a causal factor, Occlusal functions, Proprioception of the stomatognathic System



DAY 2 

Diagnostic Possibilities – Clinical and Instrumental Functional Analyses, Condylography, MRI, CT-Scan




Therapeutic possibilities – Stabilization, Pain and Discomfort, Alteration of Mandibular Range of Motion, Positioning, Disc dislocation and Internal Derangements, Acute Traumata and Joint diseases

DATUM: 03.11.2024 09:00
DAUER: 2 Days
ORT: Riga
PREIS: 1.250 €
SPRACHE: English
Prof. Dr. Gregor Slavicek & Experts Demonstration how to perform a condylography tracing Do yourself a condylography tracing Limit seats!!

In these 2 days course you will learn everything how to peform an condylogrpahy tracing. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is extraordinarily complex and challenging in structure and functionality. It executes multiple tasks within the stomatognathic system. The TMJ is of central importance in examining the status of the stomatognathic system. Multiple factors influence the stability and functional integrity of these. Basic principles of condylography what everyone should know.


03.10.24    08:45-09:15 Registration

        09:15-13:00 Lecture

        14:00-17:30 Lecture


04.19.24    09:00-11:00 Demonstration

        11:15-13:00 Practical part Condy

        14:00-19:00 Practical part Condy


The fundamentals of Condylography

History of Axiography

Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the TMJ and the Craniomandibular System

The recording of the Hinge-Axis Movements

Fundamentals of Condylographic Analysis

Condylographic Terminology

Recording protocol

Pracgtical part condylography:

    Demonstration how to perform a condylography tracing

    Do yourself a condylography tracing

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